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Trading personal data for….


- On February the 24th, the think tank Forum d'Avignon publishes in the Journal du Dimanche a call for personal cultural data to be recognized as a valuable and negotiable property. This was signed by 32 artists, intellectuals, economists, businessmen and businesswomen. It' is the first step before the think tank publication that will see the day this year carried out by Ernst & Young about personal cultural data.

Trading personal data for….

"Scarcely twenty years old, the Internet is the source of a structured and powerful industry whose economy is largely based on the use of personal cultural data.  The purpose  is not to accuse this model, it's no longer time to. However, several questions arise: what do we want in exchange for our data? What is the value of our digital reality?

Man physical reality is linear, vertical and guaranteed by justice. We have been exchanging its main component for centuries: our time for a salary. Our digital reality is horizontal and global. Its exchangeable measure: personal data. To an alarming vision of this new world, we oppose a reflection about the opportunities and values ​​of digital identity.

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Read further on le Forum d'Avignon

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