
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7793 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 20/09/2024. 605 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Samuel Maoz  • Director

“The foxtrot is the dance of a man with his fate”

Samuel Maoz • Director

VENICE 2017: Cineuropa spoke to Israeli director Samuel Maoz about the origins and themes of his new...  

06/09/2017 | Venice 2017 | Competition

Pablo Maqueda • Director of Dear Werner

“This film has helped me overcome some of my fears”

Pablo Maqueda • Director of Dear Werner

With the documentary Dear Werner, Spaniard Pablo Maqueda follows in Herzog’s footsteps, re-embarking on...  

18/11/2020 | Zinebi 2020

Pablo Maqueda  • Director of Girl Unknown

“I’m not afraid of being depraved or awkward as a filmmaker”

Pablo Maqueda • Director of Girl Unknown

The young Madrilenian director breaks down his new fiction feature, which competed at the most recent...  

09/06/2023 | /Spain

Ways to freedom

Pia Marais • Director

Director Pia Marais reflects upon her career so far.  


Pia Marais • Director of Transamazonia

“I like female characters who, a bit like Hitchcock’s, are hiding something underneath”

Pia Marais • Director of Transamazonia

The South African-born director tells us about how she grappled with the paradoxes of the Amazon...  

15/08/2024 | Locarno 2024 | Competition

Sander Maran • Director of Chainsaws Were Singing

"I wanted this balance between naughty and nice"

Sander Maran • Director of Chainsaws Were Singing

The Estonian director talks about his feature debut, awarded at the recent Haapsalu Horror and Fantasy...  

08/05/2024 | HOFF 2024

Juan Soto, Chiara Marañón • Directors of Elena dio a luz un hermoso niño

“On one of the reels, I saw Franco going down a staircase, and that made me wonder, ‘Who was this family?’”

Juan Soto, Chiara Marañón • Directors of Elena dio a luz un hermoso niño

We sat down with the winners of the Spanish strand of Zinebi Networking to discuss their project based...  

21/11/2022 | Zinebi 2022 | Zinebi Networking

Nevio Marasović  • Director

“I had always wanted to do something in the Scandinavian style”

Nevio Marasović • Director

At the Zagreb Film Festival, Cineuropa met up with Croatian filmmaker Nevio Marasović to talk about Goran,...  


Nevio Marasovic & Rakan Rushaidat

Interview - Pula International Film Festival 2013

Nevio Marasovic & Rakan Rushaidat

Cineuropa met with Croatian director Nevio Marasovic and actor Rakan Rushaidat from Vis-à-vis that had its...  

Cannes according to Wild Bunch

Vincent Maraval • Exporter


"I wanted to do my own thing"

Sophie Marceau

After 25 years as an actress, the French youg woman has decided to direct a film on her own. Speak to me...  


Simone Marcelli • Director of Occident Express

"The challenge was to successfully talk the language of the moving image, rather than that of the theatre"

Simone Marcelli • Director of Occident Express

VENICE 2020: Simone Marcelli talks to us about his film Occident Express, which features footage of the...  

14/09/2020 | Venice 2020 | Giornate degli Autori

An overview of the Screenings

Laura Marcellino

More than 2,000 professionals from around the world took part in the Venice market. We spoke to the person...  


Interview - Venice Screenings

Laura Marcellino, responsible for the Venice market

An initiative set up during the 2002 Venice Film Festival edition with the aim of increasing the space for...  

Pietro Marcello ­• Director

"Cinema is no longer the seventh art; it ceased being so with the arrival of sound in films"

Pietro Marcello ­• Director

LOCARNO 2015: In Lost and Beautiful, entered in the competition at Locarno, Pietro Marcello shows the...  


"I depicted the present around me"

Pietro Marcello • Director

Cineuropa caught up with director Pietro Marcello at the Turin Film Festival, where The Mouth of the Wolf...  


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