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Luchetti and take-one for Call Me Francesco, a film about Pope Bergoglio


- Produced by Pietro Valsecchi for Taodue in collaboration with Eat movie, the biopic about the Argentine pope will be filmed between Buenos Aires, Italy and Germany, in Spanish

Luchetti and take-one for Call Me Francesco, a film about Pope Bergoglio
Argentinian actor Rodrigo de la Serna

Filming kicked off yesterday in Buenos Aires for Call Me Francesco - The Pope [+see also:
film review
making of
interview: Sara Serraiocco
film profile
, a biopic about Pope Bergoglio directed by Daniele Luchetti. The director of Our Life [+see also:
film review
making of
film profile
(Best Actor Award in Cannes for Elio Germano), My Brother Is An Only Child [+see also:
film review
interview: Daniele Luchetti
interview: Riccardo Tozzi
film profile
and The Yes Man will tell you about the Argentine pope's human and pastoral story, from his ordination as a priest to his election as pope in 2013, through fifty years of Argentine history.

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Produced by Pietro Valsecchi for Taodue in collaboration with Eat movie, the film will star Argentine actor Rodrigo de la Serna (he was Alberto Granado, Che Guevara's travel companion in The Motorcycle Diaries [+see also:
film profile
), while in the last years recounted in the movie Pope Francis will be played by Chilean Sergio Hernández (Gloria [+see also:
film profile
). Starring also Spanish Alex Brendemühl as Franz Jalics, Argentine actresses Mercedes Moran (as Esther Ballestrino) and Muriel Santana (judge Alicia Oliveira) and their fellow countryman Pompeyo Audivert (Bishop Angelelli).

"Bergoglio is an extraordinary figure, with a wealth of interpretations, that has really fascinated me, the film ends the day that he is elected Pope”, said the director indicating that Call me Francesco is his “human and spiritual adventure from his vocation to the years of training in the Jesuits, from the harsh experience of the dictatorship up until his pastoral mission amongst the poorest people of Buenos Aires, before being called to the Papal throne. The enthralling story of the Pope who chose to be called as the most humble of saints in order to bring the Church back to its true mission".  

Filming will last for 14 weeks between Buenos Aires, Italy and Germany and will take place in Spanish. The movie will be released in cinemas worldwide next November and a two-part televised version will also be produced for Mediaset.

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(Translated from Italian)

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