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Le Festival de Karlovy Vary présente le programme Works In Progress


- ENGLISH ONLY - Les vendeurs du monde entier auront accès à une sélection variée de 19 projets attachés à des réalisateurs débutants et à des vétérans d'Europe centrale et d'Europe de l'Est

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The annual Works In Progress section at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival will present 19 works from Central and Eastern Europe to international sales agents. This year’s selection is a mixture of newcomers and established directors including Oscar shortlisted director Stefan Komandarev will be in attendance with his lastest film The Judgement.

The event has grown to become an important step for filmmakers in the region to increase the interest in their works with industry professionals from across the world. Director Arsen Anton Ostojic, who attended last year’s Works In Progress with the film Halima’s Path, told Cineuropa: “I participated twice in Works in Progress section of Karlovy Vary Festival and I'd love to participate again with my new films, whenever there is a chance. Last year I received several calls from important festivals and sales agents following my presentation. So, you never know what it is going to happen, but a project should definitely be in Works in Progress, if possible. Frankly, I don't know a better similar section that this one in Karlovy Vary.”

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Halima’s Path has gone on to festival success, winning prizes at the likes of Tallinn’s Black Nights Film Festival, Cottbus Film Festival of Eastern European Cinema and the Cairo International Film Festival.

The full list of projects at this 2013 Works In Progress is:

Aghios Nikolaos/Saint Nicolas

Directed by: Loukianos Moshonas

Greece/France, 55 min, debut

Brma Paemnebi/Blind Dates

Directed by: Levan Koguashvili

Georgia, 93 min


Directed by: Atil Inac

Turkey, 105 min

Julius Schmitke/Julius Schmitke

Directed by: Štěpán Altrichter

Germany/Czech Republic, 90 min, debut


Directed by: Adilkhan Yerzhanov

Kazakhstan, 90 min

Křídla Vánoc/Wings of Christmas

Directed by: Karin Babinská

Czech Republic, 110 min

Maria Stock/Maria Stock

Directed by: Jan Březina

Czech Republic, 50 min, debut


Directed by: Juris Kursietis

Latvia/Greece/Germany, 100 min, debut

Neposlushni/The Disobedient

Directed by: Mina Đukić

Serbia, 122 min, debut


Directed by: Yiannis Veslemes

Greece, 75 min, debut

Parádně pokecal/Totally Talking

Directed by: Tomáš Pavlíček

Czech Republic, 85 min, debut

Performer [+lire aussi :
fiche film
/The Performer

Directed by: Maciej Sobieszczański, Łukasz Ronduda

Poland, 90 min, debut


Directed by: Vali Hotea

Romania, 97 min, debut


Directed by: Jitka Rudolfová

Czech Republic, 110 min

Sadilishteto/The Judgment

Directed by: Stephan Komandarev

Bulgaria, 105 min

Spomenik Majklu Dzeksonu/Monument to Michael Jackson

Directed by: Darko Lungulov

Serbia, 100 min

Tarorinak mi hekiat/The Scary Tale

Directed by: Maria Saakyan

Armenia/Russia, 90 min


Directed by: Mykhailo Illienko

Ukraine, 110 min


Directed by: Gyula Nemes

Hungary / Czech Republic / Germany, 90 min

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