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ACID selects 9 feature films for its “Cannes Outside the Walls” showcase


- The independent filmmakers attached to the Cannes Film Festival have selected five works of fiction and four documentaries, with Marie Dumora and Ilan Klipper shining bright at the top of the bill

ACID selects 9 feature films for its “Cannes Outside the Walls” showcase
Far From You I Grew by Marie Dumora

The lack of any physical edition of the 73rd Cannes Film Festival as a direct result of the Coronavirus crisis hasn’t prevented ACID (the French Association for the Distribution of Independent Cinema) from unveiling a 28th programme under the banner "Cannes Outside the Walls" and comprising nine feature films (of which five are works of fiction, four are documentaries and a total five titles are directed by women). Placing special focus on works without distributors and first feature films (with four debut titles gracing this particular line-up), ACID will promote its selection during the online Marché du Film (running 22 – 26 June – read our news), as well as in the autumn by way of screenings geared towards cinema operators in France. Public seances are also planned in Paris (25 – 29 September), Lyon (2 - 4 October) and Marseille (8 - 11 October), and then courtesy of the Corsican Film Archive, as well as a number of partner festivals in France and further afield.

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Standing especially tall in the 2020 selection is Far From You I Grew [+see also:
film review
film profile
, the 8th feature-length documentary by Marie Dumora (produced by Les Films du Bélier), whose other works include Belinda [+see also:
film review
film profile
(the opening film of the 2017 Berlinale’s Panorama Dokumente line-up) and Forbach Swing [+see also:
film profile
(unveiled on the Croisette last year in the ACID programme).

Likewise catching our eye in the showcase is Ilan Klipper’s Tightrope Walkers [+see also:
film profile
, produced by Les Films du Bal. Following on from his very well-received first fiction feature The Starry Sky Above Me [+see also:
film review
film profile
(presented in Cannes’ ACID line-up in 2017), the director is making his return to the documentary genre which he explored in his two-part film on the police (Flics and Commissariat) and in his study of psychiatry (Sainte-Anne), and which is once again the beating heart of this, his latest opus.

Also worth a mention is Walden [+see also:
film review
film profile
, a Sedna Films production which is the 3rd full-length work of fiction to hail from the Czech national (living in France) Bojena Horackova, following on from À l’est de moi (presented in Belfort – Entrevues in 2008) and Mirek n’est pas parti (1996).

Another 3rd fiction feature on the agenda is The Seeds We Sow [+see also:
film profile
by Nathan Nicholovitch, whose first two opuses (Casa Nostra [+see also:
film profile
and Avant l’aurore [+see also:
film review
film profile
) were unveiled on the Croisette in the ACID showcases of 2012 and 2018.

The Association has also selected Should the Wind Fall [+see also:
film review
interview: Nora Martirosyan
film profile
, the first feature film by Nora Martirosyan (read our article). Steered by French firm Sister Productions and co-produced by Armenian outfit Aneva Production and Belgian group Kwassa Films, this fiction feature will be co-presented by the helmers of the Cannes Film Festival’s Official Selection (read our news).

Similarly destined for the spotlight is Italian documentary-maker Michele Pennetta with Il mio corpo [+see also:
film review
interview: Michele Pennetta
film profile
, a Swiss-Italian production recently unveiled (and well-received) at the Visions du Réel Festival and the second full-length documentary by the Varese-born director, after Fishing Bodies [+see also:
film review
film profile
(screened in Locarno’s Filmmakers of the Present 2013 line-up).

Last but not least, and jostling for position in the programme are three other first feature films: the fiction titles Last Days of Spring [+see also:
film review
interview: Isabel Lamberti
film profile
by Isabel Lamberti (born in Germany and raised in Spain and the Netherlands) and Coalesce by Jessé Miceli (with Cambodia and France pooling production expertise), and the documentary The Last Hillbilly [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Diane Sara Bouzgarrou and Thomas Jenkoe (coming via the Eurodoc programme and involving France and Qatar).

The selected films are as follows:

 [+see also:
film profile
- Jessé Miceli (Cambodia/France)
Tightrope Walkers [+see also:
film profile
- Ilan Klipper (France)
The Seeds We Sow [+see also:
film profile
- Nathan Nicholovitch (France)
Il mio corpo [+see also:
film review
interview: Michele Pennetta
film profile
- Michele Pennetta (Switzerland/Italy)
The Last Hillbilly [+see also:
film review
film profile
- Diane Sara Bouzgarrou and Thomas Jenkoe (France/Qatar)
Far From You I Grew [+see also:
film review
film profile
Marie Dumora (France)
Should The Wind Fall [+see also:
film review
interview: Nora Martirosyan
film profile
- Nora Martirosyan (France/Armenia/Belgium)
Last Days of Spring
 [+see also:
film review
interview: Isabel Lamberti
film profile
Isabel Lamberti (the Netherlands/Spain)
Walden [+see also:
film review
film profile
Bojena Horackova (France)

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(Translated from French)

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