Site dedicated to European cinema, European films, European actors, European filmmakers, European professionals, producers, distributors, sales agents, scriptwriters, film finance and the film industry as a whole...
Cineuropa is closely collaborating with the following prestigious partners:
Financial Partners
Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union
The Creative Europe Programme / MEDIA aims at strengthening the competitiveness of the European audiovisual industry with a series of support measures dealing with the training of professionals; the development of production projects and companies; the distribution and promotion of cinematographic works and audiovisual programmes; and support for cinematographic festivals.
MiC Ministero della Cultura - Direzione generale per il cinema e l'audiovisivo
The institutional mandate of the Directorate General for Cinema of Italy's Ministry of Heritage and Culture is the promotion, development and diffusion of Italian cinema and the national film industry.
Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Belgium's Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles aims at supporting the production and promotion of the audiovisual works.
CNC - Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée
The CNC manages the cinema and audiovisual sectors, finances the film industry, promotes French films and protects the film heritage.
Swiss Films
The federal promotional agency of contemporary independent cinema and the Swiss audiovisual heritage is a member of European Film Promotion. SWISS FILMS contributes to the broadcasting of Swiss films abroad and stimulates the international influence of national audiovisual creation. SWISS FILMS increases the value of Swiss cinema and its broadcasting in Switzerland.
LUX Audience Award of the European Parliament
The objective of the LUX Prize is to illuminate the public debate on European integration and to facilitate the diffusion of European films in the European Union. The LUX Prize finances the subtitling and the kinescope recording of the winning film in the 23 official EU languages. The original language recording will be adapted for sub-titling for hard of hearing and deaf people.
Eurimages contributes to the promotion of the European audiovisual industry by providing financial support for fiction, animation and documentary films produced as co-productions. Eurimages thus encourages cooperation between professionals from different countries.
Kosovo Cinematography Centre
The KCC (Kosova Cinematography Center) is a public funding body and central authority for cinematography in charge of developing the film industry in Kosovo. With various activities, KCC is continuously striving to put the Kosovar film industry on the international radar in order to receive broader recognition for the nations films and filmmakers.
Slovak Film Institute
Slovak Film Institute (SFI, est. in 1963) is the sole national film institution in Slovakia, comprising the National Film Archive and the National Cinematographic Centre (NCC). It handles producers´ rights to Slovak films produced by Slovak national studios in 1895 – 1991 and is a member of FIAF and EFP as well as the seat of Creative Europe Desk Slovakia. The NCC of the SFI is the national film promotion agency promoting Slovak films - both archive and new.
With the financial support from the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.
ICAA - Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales
The ICAA (Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales) is an autonomous body depending on the Spanish Ministry for Culture that plans the support policies to the cinema sector and to audiovisual production. Its aims are to support the cinema and audiovisual industry, to contribute to the national and international broadcasting of Spanish cinema and to restore the film heritage.
Luxembourg Film Fund
The Film Fund of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, first established in 1990 and restructured in 1999, exists primarily to promote and foster an environment in which the country's film production industry can develop and flourish.
German Films
German Films + Marketing GmbH is the national information and advisory centre for the international promotion of German films. Established in 1954 under the name of Export-Union of German Cinema as the umbrella body for the Association of German Feature Film Producers, the Association of New German Feature Film Producers and the Association of German Film Exporters, it operates today in the legal form of a limited company. In 2004, new shareholders came on board the Export-Union, which from then on continued its operations under the name of German Films Service + Marketing GmbH.
Slovenian Film Center
Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) is a public agency of the Republic of Slovenia which is encouraging creativity in the film and audiovisual field by creating suitable conditions for film, audiovisual and cinematographic activities. SFC supports script and project development as well as production, promotion and distribution and gives support to minority coproductions, film festivals, film industry associations and film education.
Lithuanian Film Centre
The Lithuanian Film Centre, established in May, 2012, is a state institution under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania. The aim of the Centre is to participate in designing an effective film and audiovisual sector policy and to foster the sustainability of the Lithuanian film industry.
National Film Center Latvia
The National Film Centre of Latvia (NFC) is a public institution under auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia with responsibility for the implementation of state cultural policy in the field of film. The main functions of the NFC include the facilitation of Latvian film and film culture development, accessibility of Latvian film culture in Latvia, promotion of Latvian film abroad and participation at international film events, in international film funding bodies and policy organisations.
Estonian Film Institute
The Estonian Film Foundation was established by the Ministry of Culture, with the task to distribute the national film production budget. Estonian Film Institute (EFI) came to be as its successor, embracing a much wider spectre of activities in the film industry. EFI’s professional sphere now reaches the whole field of film. The institute is broadly divided in three departments: production, marketing and heritage.
Georgian National Film Center
Georgian National Film Center (GNFC) is a legal entity of public law under the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia. GNFC sets a film policy in the country and seeks to secure and coordinate state support for the development of Georgian cinematography. GNFC strives to support the development of Georgian cinema at the levels of project development, production, distribution and promotion.
Past Financial Partners
Cinecittà is one of the main players in the film industry, focusing on the development and promotion of Italian cinema both in Italy and abroad. It is unique in its ability to combine various areas of activity, all of which are essential when competing in a globalised market.
L'Office Fédéral de la Culture - OFC
The Federal Cultural Office (UFC) is dealing with the promotion of the cultural life in all its artistic components and creates the conditions for a deeper and independent development of the cultural actors. He supports the artistic production in cinema industry, visual arts and design. Among the various activities, the UFC supports the promotion and the training of young Swiss abroad and the interests of various cultural and linguistic communities. The UFC deals with the patrimony’s safeguard, supporting the preservation of historical monuments and archaeology. The Office manages prestigious collections, libraries, archives, museums and conceives the cultural policy of the Confederation. The UFC has three sectors of competence: promotion of culture, Swiss National Library and Swiss National Museum. The UFC is part of the Department for Internal Affairs (DFI.)
Polish Film Institute
The Polish Film Institute is a state legal entity established to support the development of cinematography. The Institute also supports, among others, all the most important film festivals taking place in Poland, film education, cinema development, and international promotion of Polish cinematography.
Irish Film Board
The IFB has a vast range of funding programmes, from develoopment to distribution.
Film Center of Montenegro
The Film Centre of Montenegro provides a nurturing environment for film professionals in Montenegro. The Centre manages the film fund, oversees film production grants, promotes Montenegrin films abroad at festivals and film markets, collects and analyzes statistical data on film and other related activities
Malta Film Commission
The Malta Film Commission is a non-profit making organisation and offers its services free of charge to foreign film and television productions. The aim of the MFC is to create international awareness about Malta's unlimited potential as a film location. The Commission also serves to facilitate and assist film crews before and during their stay on the island. Set up in 1999 under the auspices of the Ministry for Economic Services, the commission now forms part of the Ministry for Investment, Industry and Information Technology.
Magyar Filmunió was established in 1992 by the Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary to promote Hungarian cinematography throughout the world.
Greek Film Center
Greek Film Centre (GFC), a public benefit non-profit legal entity supervised by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, is the main institution that exercises cinematographic policy in Greece. Its main goals are: The protection, support and development of film (co) production in Greece. The promotion and diffusion of Greek film (co) productions, both domestically and internationally. The promotion of Greece abroad as an appropriate location for filming cinematic and audiovisual productions.
Marché du Film
The biggest European film market. From art-house to blockbusters: all current worldwide film productions covering all genres and formats are screened at the Cannes Film Market. The Cannes Film Market offers more than 1,000 films, of which 70% premieres in 32 screening rooms located between the Palais and theaters in town, among which several digital theaters.
Berlinale Co-Production Market
The Berlinale Co-Production Market is a three-day event for producers, film financiers and film distributors, and for operators of film funds, international distributors and television channels that work in the field of international co-productions. Cineuropa moderates some round tables and prepares a special report on the event.
Torino filmlab
Torino Filmlab is an international laboratory that supports emerging talents from all over the world, who are working on their first and second feature films, through training, development and funding activities.
Professional Associations
Cine-Regio is a network of regional film funds in Europe. The network is continuously expanding and today represents 43 regional film funds from 12 EU Member States, in addition to Norway and Switzerland. Cine-Regio is partner of Cineuropa for the identification of regional coproduction case studies in Europe.
European Film Agency Directors association
The European Film Agency Directors association (EFAD) is the voice of national European Film Agencies, bringing together the Directors of national film funds from European countries. Their mission is to enable local cultures and different language communities to see their lives on screen.
European Film Academy (EFA)
Founded in 1989, the European Film Academy (EFA) currently unites 3,600 European film professionals with the common aim of promoting European film culture. Throughout the year, the EFA initiates and participates in a series of activities dealing with film politics as well as economic, artistic, and training aspects. The programme includes conferences, seminars and workshops, and a common goal is to build a bridge between creativity and the industry. These activities culminate in the annual presentation of the European Film Awards. Cineuropa is a partner of the EFA and publishes special reports on the films nominated for the Awards.
Europa Distribution
Europa Distribution was created in 2007 at the initiative of French independent distributors. Its aim is to gather the independent European distributors who all share the same worries, in order to push on common problems at the European level. Cineuropa and Europa Distribution are cooperating for the writing of case studies about distribution of European films.
European Film Promotion
Founded in 1997 and based in Hamburg/Germany, EFP is the umbrella organisation of the film promotion organisations of 33 European countries whose shared objective is to export the best European films and attract the biggest world audiences possible.
The Association of Young Independent Film Producers (AGICI) represents issues regarding independent Italian productions, young people under 35 and startups.
Content Partners
Nisi Masa
Founded in 2001, NISI MASA is a network of associations, currently active in 17 countries. Its main aims are to discover new film talents and to create a platform of discussion and collaboration for young European filmmakers.
Cinergie, the online magazine on Belgian films. Since 1996, the non-profit association Cinergie has been running the web site, a portal on Belgian films aimed at the general public, as well as professionals which soon became a major resource, both in Belgium and worldwide. The web site, which has evolved according to the trends and the needs of the film industry, consists of a monthly webzine and a Belgian film and TV catalogue.
Le Film Français
The weekly reference magazine for French cinema professionals.
Série Series
Série Series is a television festival and an event that allows audiovisual professionals to gather around dedicated events to develop a European network.
Cinema Femme
Cinema Femme is a platform for emerging female-identifying and non-binary filmmakers. To support these filmmakers they showcase their short films, provide education through features with women and non-binary in film, and offer mentorship between seasoned and emerging filmmakers.
Dirty Movies
DMovies is a site connecting audiences with filmmakers. It is a social enterprise in the media sector straddling over many areas. Their objective is to promote audacious and innovative cinema from all corners of the planet.
Vilnius International Film Festival - Kino pavasaris
Vilnius International Film Festival Kino Pavasaris is the biggest and most important cinema event in Lithuania. Over more than 20 years, the festival has become a highly attended cultural phenomenon and the festival's competition programmes have become a calling card for international film industry professionals.
Cinema City
The Cinema City International Film Festival in Serbia is primarily focused on promoting young film authors and indie production from the country, the region and the world, but also on presenting legendary authors and their achievements through retrospectives.
Trieste film festival
The main purpose of Trieste film festival is to promote information, debate and mutual cooperation among the operators of the audio-visual production industry and in particular of films in Central and Eastern Europe. Competition sections mainly focuse on those films that feature originality and linguistic innovation, as well as on the productions concentrated on particular aspects and problems of the society and culture of their countries of origin.
Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen de Bruxelles
The Brussels Mediteranean Film Festival takes place in November every other year, with screenings of over sixty films from the 20 countries of the Mediterranean Basin, concerts, exhibitions and a Mediterranean Market.
Festival de Cinéma Européen Des Arcs
The goal of the festival is to further the development of the diversity of the European film industry and facilitate the discovery of the many talents the continent has to offer.
Lecce Festival del Cinema Europeo
The target of the Festival is to act as an intermediary among cultures, among the different film languages, as well as to become a potential means of cinema promotion: an exchange, encouraging diversity and avoiding its closure, which leads to non-communicating cultural enclaves.
Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo
The Festival has become an important showcase for the European film industry as well as a meeting point for distribution professionals both within and out of Europe.
Sarajevo Film Festival
The Sarajevo Film Festival present a wide programme selection of both competitive and non-competitive films. Sarajevo Film Festival Competition program is accredited by FIAPF as a Competitive Specialized Festival. The Festivfal is partner for the Cineuropa Prize.
Venice Days - Venice Film Festival
The independent VENICE DAYS section is promoted by the ANAC (National Association of Cinematographic Authors) and the authors of the API (Independent Authors and Producers Association). The event's main structure is similar to the Cannes Directors’ Fortnight: 12 films, plus tributes and special events. The section's artistic aim is also unchanged, celebrating creativity, talent and renewing languages against homogenisation. The authors' associations are also involved in creating a forum of discussion and debate at a major international festival. Cineuropa is the media partner of the event, providing articles and interviews for the site.
Trieste film festival
The main purpose of Trieste film festival is to promote information, debate and mutual cooperation among the operators of the audio-visual production industry and in particular of films in Central and Eastern Europe. Competition sections mainly focuse on those films that feature originality and linguistic innovation, as well as on the productions concentrated on particular aspects and problems of the society and culture of their countries of origin.
European association of animation film.
ACE – Ateliers du Cinéma Européen
ACE has become not only an operational structure providing professional advice on the various aspects of feature film production, but also an important and active network of European producers.
The CICAE brings together 3,000 screens via national structures, independent cinemas, festivals, as well as a number of arthouse film distributors.
European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs is a leading training and project development programme for European and international audiovisual producers.
Media Salles
Media Salles project organises training initiatives of specific relevance to exhibitors.