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Jan Lumholdt

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260 articles available in total starting from 15/03/2018. Last article published on 21/05/2024.

Review: The Best Years of a Life

Review: The Best Years of a Life

CANNES 2019: Claude Lelouch’s new film is an autumnal holiday postcard sporting a few sweet notes on ageing, remembering and loving  

20/05/2019 | Cannes 2019 | Out of Competition

Ruben Östlund lifts the lid on Triangle of Sadness at Film i Väst’s Cannes presentation

Ruben Östlund lifts the lid on Triangle of Sadness at Film i Väst’s Cannes presentation

CANNES 2019: At the Swedish film fund’s annual presentation, the 2017 Palme d’Or winner unveiled some interesting and fairly messy details about his forthcoming film  

19/05/2019 | Cannes 2019

Review: Vivarium

Review: Vivarium

CANNES 2019: Lorcan Finnegan’s new outing is a slice of involuntary suburban family life, chillingly well executed  

19/05/2019 | Cannes 2019 | Critics’ Week

Review: The Orphanage

Review: The Orphanage

CANNES 2019: Following her acclaimed feature debut, Wolf and Sheep, Shahrbanoo Sadat continues to explore the recent history of Afghanistan through the eyes of children  

18/05/2019 | Cannes 2019 | Directors' Fortnight

Levan Akin  • Director of And Then We Danced

Interview: Levan Akin • Director of And Then We Danced

“When it takes some four years to make a film, it needs to mean something”

CANNES 2019: With And Then We Danced, Swedish-Georgian director Levan Akin takes on his Eastern European roots with a vengeance  

18/05/2019 | Cannes 2019 | Directors’ Fortnight

Thierry Frémaux • Artistic Director, Cannes Film Festival

Q&A: Thierry Frémaux • Artistic Director, Cannes Film Festival

“Nobody’s perfect; neither is Alain Delon. And I’m sure you aren’t either”

CANNES 2019: As Thierry Frémaux, Artistic Director and General Delegate of the Cannes Film Festival, held a small pre-festival chat with early-arriving members of the press, a couple of touchy...  

14/05/2019 | Cannes 2019

Review: Beauty and Decay

Review: Beauty and Decay

BERLIN 2019: Annekatrin Hendel’s portrait of three loveable GDR rebels leaves us wanting quite a bit more  

16/02/2019 | Berlinale 2019 | Panorama

Review: A Dog Barking at the Moon

Review: A Dog Barking at the Moon

BERLIN 2019: Writer-director Xiang Zi’s accomplished feature debut sheds a sometimes surreal light on a contemporary Chinese family with skeletons in the closet  

15/02/2019 | Berlinale 2019 | Panorama

Review: Years of Construction

Review: Years of Construction

BERLIN 2019: Using meticulous methods, artist-director Heinz Emigholz documents a five-year journey into light and space  

14/02/2019 | Berlinale 2019 | Forum

Review: Staff Only

Review: Staff Only

BERLIN 2019: Catalan director Neus Ballús’ second feature skilfully intertwines the coming-of-age story of a young girl with the intricate layers of its post-colonial setting  

12/02/2019 | Berlinale 2019 | Panorama

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