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Marie-France Dupagne

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293 articles available in total starting from 05/02/2003. Last article published on 06/02/2006.

Bout des doigts wins in Brussels

The sixth edition of the Brussels Short Film Festival ended on 13 April with a French victory: Le bout des doigts by Nicolas Birkenstock. The jury of Laurent Brandenbourger, Jacques-Henri...  

14/04/2003 | Awards | Belgium

Geneviève's directorial debut

The directorial feature debut of Luxembourg’s Geneviève Mersch, J'ai toujours voulu être une sainte (I Always Wanted to Be A Saint), is scheduled for a domestic release on 16 May. Written with...  

11/04/2003 | Films | Luxembourg

A digital Sunday

The Netherlands Film Fund (NFF) and Amsterdam’s De Balie Cinema have organised a one-day event called Celluloid/Digital Episode 2, scheduled to take place on Sunday 13 April. The programme...  

10/04/2003 | Events | Netherlands

Pietje Bell out in Belgium

Hot on the heels of its domestic success, Dutch children’s feature, Pietje Bell, directed by Maria Peters is released today, 9 April, in Belgium. Produced by the Netherlands’ Shooting Star...  

09/04/2003 | Releases | Belgium

Autumn release for 25° in Winter

Paradiso Filmed Entertainment is to distribute Stéphane Vuillet’s latest feature film, 25 Degrees in Winter. Audiences will be familiar with Vuillet’s earlier short films like Terre Natale and Le...  

08/04/2003 | Distribution | Belgium

Europe showcased in Brussels

25 Continental first-and-second features including Hungary's Hukkle and Norway's Jonny Vang, plus six short films, screening from 25 April to 3 May  

07/04/2003 | Festivals | Belgium

Greenlight for film industry tax shelters

After negotiations that dragged on for twenty years, the Belgian government finally implemented tax shelters for its film industry. The measure was approved late of Friday night, 4 April. It has...  

07/04/2003 | Funding | Belgium

Honest Shopkeeper opens in La Ciotat

A Belgian production entitled Un honnête commerçant, directed by Philippe Blasband, has been given the honour of opening this year’s La Ciotat Film Festival on 9 April. This title was also...  

04/04/2003 | Festivals | Belgium

April edition of Cinergie

Read what's happening this month in the Belgian film panorama  

03/04/2003 | Information | Belgium

Love to Love's triumph

Pim van Hoeve's Liever verliedfd breaks the 100,000 attendance barrier over three weeks and winning the "Golden Film" award  

02/04/2003 | Box Office | The Netherlands

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