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Giorgia Del Don

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414 articles available in total starting from 12/03/2014. Last article published on 15/07/2024.

Review: Holding Up The Sky

Review: Holding Up The Sky

Belgian director Pieter Van Eecke takes us to the heart of the Amazon rainforest where indigenous populations are forced to contend with human cruelty and recklessness  

16/03/2023 | FIFDH Geneva 2023

The Freiburg International Film Festival unveils the menu for its latest edition

The Freiburg International Film Festival unveils the menu for its latest edition

True to its uninhibited and joyful spirit, the FIFF’s programme is composed of sweet, savoury, delectable but also subtly disconcerting offerings  

08/03/2023 | Festivals | Awards | Switzerland

Review: Longing for the World

Review: Longing for the World

BERLINALE 2023: Jenna Hasse’s debut feature film follows three characters on the banks of Lake Geneva who are struggling to find their place in the world  

17/02/2023 | Berlinale 2023 | Generation

Review: Theory of Change

Review: Theory of Change

Dennis Stauffer's first feature film takes us behind the scenes of the dynamic Swiss political movement Operation Libero  

30/01/2023 | Solothurn 2023

Until Branches Bend, Thunder and Amine – Held auf Bewährung triumph at the Solothurn Film Festival

Until Branches Bend, Thunder and Amine – Held auf Bewährung triumph at the Solothurn Film Festival

The film by Swiss-Canadian director Sophie Jarvis scoops the most important award at the Swiss gathering, the Prix de Soleure  

27/01/2023 | Solothurn 2023 | Awards

Review: The DNA of Dignity

Review: The DNA of Dignity

Jan Baumgartner turns his gaze to the meticulous work carried out by those attempting to recover dignity for the thousands of people who disappeared in the Balkan Wars  

26/01/2023 | Solothurn 2023

Review: The Giacomettis

Review: The Giacomettis

Susanna Fanzun dives headlong into an arguably titanic endeavour: telling the story of the extraordinary Giacometti family  

24/01/2023 | Solothurn 2023

Review: Retreat

Review: Retreat

Young Swiss director Leon Schwitter turns a simple holiday to the mountains into a claustrophobic huis clos  

23/01/2023 | Solothurn 2023

Review: Peripheric Love

Review: Peripheric Love

Swiss director Luc Walpoth invites us to relax into an authentic kind of tenderness which steers successfully clear of sentimentalism  

23/01/2023 | Solothurn 2023

Samir is currently working on The Miraculous Transformation of the Working Class into Foreigners

Samir is currently working on The Miraculous Transformation of the Working Class into Foreigners

The director is once again exploring his own personal story, setting it alongside that of Switzerland where he moved to as a child  

20/01/2023 | Production | Funding | Switzerland/Italy

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