Czech Film Center/Ceské filmové centrum + Czech Film Fund/Státního fondu kinematografie [CZ] Funding Bodies Národní tr. 28 CZ-11000 Prague 1tel: +420 221 105 398e-mailOfficial site FILMS 2025Mr. Nobody Against Putin2024I'm Not Everything I Want to BeYear of the Widow2023Photophobia2022Bethlehem LightIl BoemoBorders of LoveEmergency SituationJourney to YourlandThe Killing of a JournalistOrdinary FailuresSomewhere Over the ChemtrailsTo the NorthThe Websters Movie2021At Full ThrottleDear OnesIntensive Life UnitKrystofMargrete - Queen of the NorthSaving One Who Was DeadSilent Land2020Silent Companion2013The Return of Agnieszka H.2003One Hand Can't ClapSmall Town2002ANGEL FACEBRATSCoal TowerGirlieKidnapped HomeLove From AboveNONSTOPPupendoSome SecretsThe TrashWATERLOO CZECH STYLEYear of the Devil2001Returning in AutumnSeducer