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Seminci 2023 – Seminci Industry

Country Focus: Spain

Seminci hosts the third Independent Film Market MERCI


- Previously held in Seville, the industry event will take place between 25 and 27 October, organised by the festival and Spain's Adicine (Association of Independent Film Distributors)

Seminci hosts the third Independent Film Market MERCI

From 25 to 27 October, the city of Valladolid will host the third edition of the Independent Film Market (MERCI), an initiative organised by the Valladolid International Film Festival (Seminci) and the Association of Independent Film Distributors (ADICINE). The two previous editions were held as part of the Seville European Film Festival (read about the last edition here), then directed by José Luis Cienfuegos who has been the director of the Seminci this year (read interview), whose 68th edition will take place between 21 and 28 October.

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MERCI Valladolid, the only initiative of its kind in Spain, aims to promote independent and auteur cinema, bringing the most outstanding titles from Spanish independent distributors to exhibitors, television channels and platforms to facilitate and boost relations between professionals in the audiovisual industry.

Over three days, MERCI Valladolid will programme at Broadway cinemas the premieres of the most awaited independent and auteur films, scheduled to hit cinemas at the end of 2023 and over 2024, with the help of the different distributors that make up ADICINE. The screenings will be of exclusive access to Spanish exhibitors, television channels and platforms, with the aim of encouraging better promotion in the run-up to their release.

MERCI Valladolid is connected to the activity Find Distribution in Seminci, which has offered accredited professionals the possibility of seeing titles programmed at the six past editions of the festival that did not yet have a distribution company in Spain, and within the framework of which the Independent Distribution Conference was organised (in collaboration with ADICINE).

MERCI Valladolid will continue to hold these conferences, although with a new format that will bring together different meetings, talks and round tables with film industry professionals. Among other objectives, they will bring together numerous experts to discuss new tools that distributors and exhibitors can use in the development of their promotional strategies for each premiere.

MERCI Valladolid consolidates Seminci's commitment as an ally of independent film distributors and exhibitors, as highlighted by Lara P Camiña and Enrique Costa, co-presidents of ADICINE. "We at the association are excited to continue collaborating with José Luis Cienfuegos in his new adventure. The fact that MERCI 3.0 will be held in Seminci is very positive because it will allow for a more ambitious and continuing event, as we will keep to collaborate with the team that launched this project two years ago."

ADICINE comprises of A Contracorriente Films, Avalon, Bteam Pictures, Caramel Films, DeAPlaneta, Elastica Films, Festival Films, Filmax, Golem Distribución, Karma Films, La Aventura Audiovisual, Selecta Visión, Syldavia Cinema, Tripictures, Vértigo Films and Wanda Visión.

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(Translated from Spanish by Vicky York)

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