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Industry / Market - Spain/Latin America

Country Focus: Spain

Iberseries & Platino Industria opens applications for co-production, financing forum and pitch calls


- The deadline for submitting applications to the forum targeting Ibero-American professionals with films and series projects at advanced stages of development is 23 May

Iberseries & Platino Industria opens applications for co-production, financing forum and pitch calls
A picture from last year's Iberseries & Platino Industria

The fourth edition of Iberseries & Platino Industria is welcoming applications for projects to participate in its co-production and financing forum, scheduled to take place from 1-2 October 2024. The forum targets Ibero-American filmmakers, directors, producers and cinematographers with feature films, fiction series, documentary series, and animation series projects at advanced stages of development.

Supported by ICEX Spain Export and Investment, the Forum aims to facilitate connections with potential co-production, co-financing, distribution and dissemination partners, with a special emphasis on projects bridging the gap between Europe and Latin America.

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The objective is to enhance the development of projects with high production value, thus reinforcing co-production models between significant players in the Latin American and European audiovisual sectors. To qualify, project producers must submit a budget and financing plan with a minimum of 30% of the production cost already secured. The deadline for submitting applications is Thursday 23 May, at 4:00 PM (GMT +2), Madrid, Spain time.

Available as both in-person and virtual options, with early-bird rates until 1 June, professional accreditation provides access to a private virtual space facilitating contact with accredited participants, the arrangement of meetings, and on-demand viewing of the main presentations and content.

The registration period for projects to participate in the Platform and Production Pitch Sessions of Iberseries & Platino Industria 2024 is currently open as well. 

In total, 12 leading global companies will participate through 16 calls, with a maximum of 20 projects selected per call: 3Pas Studios, Amazon Studios / Prime Video, Ánima, BBC Studios, Dopamine, Gaumont, Gato Grande. An MGM Company, Paramount, Secuoya Studios, Sony Pictures, Telemundo Studios and Warner Bros Discovery. Different criteria and conditions apply to each call, as detailed in the corresponding call guidelines and general regulations for Pitch participants.

Each accredited individual can register up to three different projects per call, with the same project not eligible across different Pitch calls. The deadline for Pitch calls is Thursday 16 May, at 4:00 PM (GMT +2), Madrid, Spain time.

Iberseries & Platino Industria will be hosted from 1-4 October at Matadero Madrid, with the support of EGEDA and Fundación Secuoya, in collaboration with FIPCA. The event is endorsed by the Community of Madrid, Madrid City Hall, and ICEX Spain Export and Investments, and is sponsored by Madrid Film Office and Film Madrid, among other collaborating entities.

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