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Alentours Forum 2022

Country Focus: Belgium

The Alentours Forum – Rhinish Co-Production Meeting launches its call for projects


- 25 French- and German-language projects in development will be selected for the event unspooling 28th to 30th June in Strasbourg

The Alentours Forum – Rhinish Co-Production Meeting launches its call for projects

Now a vital hub for film and audiovisual co-production between Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg, the Alentours Forum – Rhinish Co-Production Meeting has just launched a call for projects for its 2022 edition, which will unfold in Strasbourg (at the Maillon Theatre) from 28th to 30th June.

25 French- and German-language projects which are currently in development and seeking out co-producers in the afore-mentioned neighbouring partner countries will be selected to take part in the Alentours Forum, which is unspooling in its usual form. The line-up will consist of two and a half days of pitching sessions, one-to-one meetings, round tables and workshops. On 29th June, the leaders of these selected projects will also be given the opportunity to pitch their offerings in English to an audience in Strasbourg composed of producers and financiers.

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Interested producers should submit their projects in development before 8 April 2022. For the rules and for details on submitting a project in French, click here; for information and submissions in German, please click here.

The Alentours Forum – Rhinish Co-Production Meeting is organised by the Eurométropole of Strasbourg, the Grand Est Region and Medien-und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, within the context of the Interreg CinEuro project and in collaboration with the Creative Europe desks located within the various border countries (Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and the Swiss MEDIA Desk), alongside Arte Geie.

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(Translated from French)

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