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Industry / Market - Europe/Latin America

Country Focus: Portugal

Ibermedia Next will support digital animation projects


- The Ibermedia programme launches grants to support innovation and collaboration in the animation industry in Ibero-America

Ibermedia Next will support digital animation projects

Ibermedia Next, an innovative initiative within the Ibermedia Programme, has launched its call for digital animation projects. These new grants, financed by NextGenerationEU funds, offers the chance to receive up to €150,000, as well as an accompanying and promotion programme worth up to €95,000. The call is open until 21 August and is aimed at Spanish, Portuguese and Italian production companies that co-develop projects with companies and/or creators from the Ibero-American region.

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The call, which is now open on the new Ibermedia Next website, aims to promote incorporating new technologies when creating animated films. Eligible projects can be prototypes, teasers, pilots, short films or video clips, as long as they are at least five minutes long and use new technological tools for animation and/or open-source tools. The end result of these productions can be traditional audiovisual content, Virtual Reality (VR), Extended Reality (XR) or Augmented Reality (AR). Digital animation or live-action projects are accepted, with a requirement of at least 75% animation in their footage.

Ibermedia Next offers more than just financial support, providing a complete programme of training, consultancy, promotion and distribution to the selected projects. In addition, networking opportunities and participation in The Ibero-American Animation League events, such as Pixelatl, Premios Quirino and Animation! Ventana Sur.

The initiative aims to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among professionals in the sector. Ibermedia Next Plaza, a free platform available on the website, helps to form a network of contacts between companies and production companies in Spain, Portugal and Italy, as well as with other participants in the Ibermedia Programme.

The selected projects will be supported by highly qualified consultants, who will provide personalised advice to improve approaches and increase the chances of success in the animation industry. In addition, individual tutorials and group classes will be offered online, as well as in-person consultations during the Ibero-American Animation League events.

The official presentation of Ibermedia Next took place at the sixth edition of the Quirino Ibero-American Animation Awards, held in San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Tenerife. This organisation, in partnership with Ibermedia Next together with The Ibero-American Animation League, has become one of the key events for the sector. During the event, the importance of these new grants to promote the development of animation projects in the region was emphasised.

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(Translated from Spanish by Vicky York)

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