Contact Film Cinematheek [NL] Distributors Spijkerstraat 49 6828 DB Arnhemtel: +31 20 443 49 49fax: +31 20 351 13 16e-mailOfficial site (The article continues below - Commercial information) FILMS 2019LillianPapicha2018The HeiressesHoneylandSofiaWerewolf2016To Stay Alive: A MethodWaldstille2013Camille Claudel 1915Faith ConnectionsHenriThe Missing PictureThe NotebookWetlands2012Araf. Somewhere in BetweenThe Fifth SeasonIn the FogJust The WindThe Repentant2011The Mill and the Cross2009AltiplanoMen on the Bridge2006Transylvania2004ExilesThe 10th District Court: Moments of TrialsThe RecruiterTropical Malady2002Japón2001Magonia2000aka I ComeThe Landscape1998Karnaval (The article continues below - Commercial information)