Sonet Film AB [SE] Distributors Greta Garbos väg 13 169 86 Stockholmtel: +46 8 680 35 00fax: +46 8 710 44 60e-mail (The article continues below - Commercial information) FILMS 2011False Trail2008DancersPatrik Age 1.52007Leaps and BoundsLeoNina FriskOne Eye Red2006Du och jagFour Weeks in JuneKidz In Da HoodSearchWhen darkness falls2005Bang Bang OrangutangGod WillingGreatest of AllHorsing AroundLove & HappinessMouth to MouthMy Wife's First LoverRoad to ItalyTheShadow DancerThe ChefZozo20046 pointsAS IT IS IN HEAVENA Hole in My HeartRANCIDSex, Hope & LoveThree Suns2003A Breach in the WallMIFFOSeeking Temporary WifeThe Thid WaveThe Threat2002THE DOG TRICKElina: As If I Wasn't ThereTHE GUY IN THE GRAVE NEXT DOORHOT DOGTHE INVISIBLEKOPSLilya 4-everStrong as a Lion2001DAYS LIKE THISHOME SWEET HOMEIF NOTStrawberries with real milk2000Making BabiesSaltwater1999Set Me Free (The article continues below - Commercial information)