Industry Report: European Film Schools
A look at the film schools in Europe, a fundamental element in the film industry that raises the filmmakers of tomorrow

You can also visit our special section dedicated to the details of every European film school here.
Francesco Mastrofini • CEO of Rainbow CGI and Educational Coordinator of the virtual production training course at LuceLabCinecittà
The CEO of Rainbow CGI spoke to us about Cinecittà’s new Virtual Production course, which he himself is coordinating, and the enormous potential offered by this new technology
“The programme offers an innovative and practical approach to supporting film education in Europe”
Chiara Zappalà • Manager, European Film Factory project, Institut français
During Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event, we delved into this ground-breaking European project supported by MEDIA and focused on film literacy
“This master creates a high-quality basis for the continuous expansion of expertise”
Bernie Stampfer • Head of studies, European Film Business and Law MBA
The master’s course run by the EPI offers an opportunity for audiovisual professionals to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the European film business and legal landscape
“Our teaching methods are based on an artistic approach to concept development and craft learning”
Maria Hedman Hvitfeldt • Head of the Department of Film and Media, Stockholm University of the Arts
Our conversation focused on the main opportunities offered to prospective students by the prestigious Swedish university
“We focus on education, content development, talent management and production”
Éva Katinka Bognár • Head of the Animation MA Programme, MOME Anim
The head of the Animation MA Programme discussed the main learning opportunities offered to prospective students by MOME Anim, one of the most important creative centres of Hungarian animation
“The aim is to host interdisciplinary backgrounds and students from different areas all together”
Andreas Treske and Emel Ozdora-Aksak • Assistant Professors, Bilkent University
Our chat revolved around the main opportunities offered to prospective students by the Department of Communication and Design of Bilkent University
“Schools must quickly come up with tools to supervise students and assure their safety”
Manuel José Damásio and Lyndsay Duthie • Chair of the GEECT board and member of the GEECT board
We spoke to Professor Manuel José Damásio and Professor Lyndsay Duthie, from the European Grouping of Film and Television Schools, to discuss how COVID-19 is affecting Europe’s film-education system