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REPORT: Berlinale 2021

Cineuropa is covering the 71st (online) Berlinale with reviews, interviews and news...

REPORT: Berlinale 2021
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158 articles available in total starting from 25/08/2020. Last article published on 20/12/2021.

Review: Night Nursery

Review: Night Nursery

BERLINALE 2021: Moumouni Sanou’s first documentary feature is a lively if underdeveloped work examining a childcare home used by Burkina Faso sex workers  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Forum

Jacqueline Lentzou  • Director of Moon, 66 Questions

Interview: Jacqueline Lentzou • Director of Moon, 66 Questions

"This is a film from the heart, with heart"

BERLINALE 2021: We talked to the Greek filmmaker to try to unpick her daring approach to her first feature, screening in Encounters  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Encounters

Review: Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent

Review: Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent

BERLINALE 2021: In Amanda Adolfsson's lovely children's film based on Martin Widmark's books, vegan vampires are finally a thing  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Generation

Ferit Karahan  • Director of Brother's Keeper

Interview: Ferit Karahan • Director of Brother's Keeper

“I think being better treated as children would help people to rise and be successful”

BERLINALE 2021: We talked to the Turkish director about his social drama with tragicomic elements, based on his own experience in a boarding school for boys  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Panorama

Review: District Terminal

Review: District Terminal

BERLINALE 2021: Set in a war zone, this Iranian-German film by Bardia Yadegari and Ehsan Mirhosseini is draining to watch, but offers some unexpected dark poetry and sunshine  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Encounters

The 3rd European Film Politics Seminar explores the role of the independent audiovisual industry

The 3rd European Film Politics Seminar explores the role of the independent audiovisual industry

BERLINALE 2021: Hosted by the European Film Market, the virtual talk saw the participation of several industry decision makers and professionals  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | EFM

Louda Ben Salah-Cazanas  • Director of The World After Us

Interview: Louda Ben Salah-Cazanas • Director of The World After Us

"Learning to accept the city’s brutality and the harsh nature of money is central to the film"

BERLINALE 2021: Idealism, ambition and love blend together in a seductive first film which explores the precarious predicament of young people in Paris whilst flirting with autofiction  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Panorama

The Berlinale announces the winners of the Generation and Shorts sections

The Berlinale announces the winners of the Generation and Shorts sections

BERLINALE 2021: The Fam by Switzerland’s Fred Baillif has received the Generation 14Plus Grand Prix, while Olga Lucovnicova’s short My Uncle Tudor won the Golden Bear  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Awards

Review: Je Suis Karl

Review: Je Suis Karl

BERLINALE 2021: Christian Schwochow's thriller swaps subtlety for melodrama, and excessive singing  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Berlinale Special

Review: Who We Were

Review: Who We Were

BERLINALE 2021: Marc Bauder’s ambitious documentary about the global humanitarian and environmental crisis conveys the same old bad news but from a slightly new angle  

04/03/2021 | Berlinale 2021 | Berlinale Special

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