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by Marco Filiberti


A group of friends rent a magnificent house on the beach where they are going to spend the summer together.The sudden arrival of Shary and Diego’s son, David, leads to growing tension that seems to involve everyone, but Matteo in particular, a wellestablished psychoanalyst who is married to Francesca. Leonard, the boy’s enigmatic and solitary uncle, thinks he understands the reasons for this ill ease, hidden under an increasingly thick blanket of silence. This holiday is to change everyone’s life for ever.

original title: Il compleanno
country: Italy
year: 2009
genre: fiction
directed by: Marco Filiberti
film run: 106'
screenplay: Marco Filiberti
cast: Alessandro Gassmann, Maria de Medeiros, Massimo Poggio, Michela Cescon, Christo Jivkov, Piera Degli Esposti, Thyago Alves, Eleonora Mazzoni, Paolo Giovannucci, Federica Sbrenna
cinematography by: Roberta Allegrini
film editing: Valentina Girodo
art director: Livia Borgognoni
costumes designer: Eva Coen
music: Andrea Chenna
producer: Caroline Locardi, Agnès Trincal
production: Zen Zero
backing: Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini, Marche Film Commission

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