The latest installment in the popular series is set in Oslo in 1960. Egon Olsen, the corrupt owner of an Oslo orphanage, uses money intended for the children to take over the town's circus. Using all their cunning, the Olsen gang must find a way to keep the Ccrcus afloat, sabotage Olsen's plans and get back the money they are owed.
international title: | Junior Olsen Gang at the Circus |
original title: | Olsenbanden Junior på cirkus |
country: | Norway |
sales agent: | Nordisk Film International Sales |
year: | 2006 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Arne Lindtner Næss |
film run: | 92' |
release date: | NO 18/01/2006 |
screenplay: | Arne Lindtner Næss |
cast: | Ola Isaac Høgåsen Mæhlen, Ole Martin Wølner, Robert Opsahl, Jacob B Hvattun, Maren E. Hiort, Ane Weie Nilsen |
producer: | Rune H. Trondsen |
production: | Nordisk Film & TV AS, TV2 Norge A/S |
backing: | Norwegian Film Fund |
distributor: | Nordisk Film AB |