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by Manoel de Oliveira


His family home has disappeared, the hanging tree has disappeared, and so have the candy stores, the Crystal Palace, and Guilhermina, his cousin and first love. This film brings to life memories from Manoel de Oliveira's childhood.

international title: Porto of My Childhood
original title: Porto da minha infância
country: Portugal, France
sales agent: Gémini Films
year: 2001
genre: fiction
directed by: Manoel de Oliveira
film run: 61'
release date: FR 23/01/2002, BE 26/06/2002, PT 15/03/2002
screenplay: Manoel de Oliveira
cast: Manoel de Oliveira, Maria de Medeiros, Jorge Trepa, Ricardo Trêpa, Leonor Baldaque, Leonor Silveira
cinematography by: Emmanuel Machuel
film editing: Valérie Loiseleux
costumes designer: Silvia Grabowski
producer: Paulo Branco
production: Madragoa Filmes, Gémini Films, RTP - Radiotelevisão Portuguesa
distributor: Gémini Films, Atalanta (PT), Imagine Film Distribution (BE)

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