This biographical film is based on the true story of Lea Deutch and Darija Gasteiger, the leading performers in the smash-hit show The Children’s Realm at the Croatian National Theatre during WWII. Lea, nicknamed ‘the Croatian Shirley Temple’ is an immensely popular and talented actress and dancer. Her chief rival is the theatre’s other big rising star, Darija. Lea is Jewish, while Darija is of German descent. The war separates their destinies forever. One girl’s story ends in a wagon to Auschwitz. The other girl survives thanks to a refugee wagon to Vienna.
international title: | Lea and Darija |
original title: | Lea i Darija |
country: | Croatia, Slovenia |
year: | 2011 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Branko Ivanda |
film run: | 101' |
release date: | HR 29/01/2012, CZ 31/07/2014 |
screenplay: | Branko Ivanda |
cast: | Klara Naka, Tamy Zajec, Zrinka Cvitešić, Sebastian Cavazza, Linda Begonja, Vedran Živolić, Ana Vilenica, Radovan Ruždjak, Branko Zavrsan |
cinematography by: | Mirko Pivčević |
film editing: | Marin Juranic |
art director: | Ivo Husnjak |
costumes designer: | Barbara Bourek |
music: | Alfi Kabiljo |
producer: | Lidija Ivanda |
production: | Ars Septima, Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT) |
backing: | Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, Zagreb film/Croatia, Pakt Media, ArtRebel9/Slovenia |
distributor: | Film Europe, Film Europe s.r.o. |