The story follows two teenage brothers, who after unexpectedly becoming orphans, become more and more entangled in a life of crime and prostitution. They are encouraged in this by two little delinquents who pretend to be their friends. An encounter with a well-known actor whose stardom is declining will change the course of their lives forever. Based on Roberto Bolaño’s last novel, “Una Novelita Lumpen".
international title: | The Future |
original title: | Il futuro |
country: | Italy, Chile, Germany |
sales agent: | Visit Films/New York |
year: | 2013 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Alicia Scherson |
film run: | 94' |
release date: | DE 12/09/2013, IT 19/09/2013, NL 12/12/2013 |
screenplay: | Alicia Scherson, based on the novel by Robert Bolaño |
cast: | Nicolas Vaporidis, Manuela Martelli, Luigi Ciardo, Rutger Hauer, Alessandro Giallocosta |
cinematography by: | Ricardo de Angelis |
art director: | Tim Pannen |
music: | Eduardo Henriquez, Caroline Chaspoul |
producer: | Christoph Friedel, Claudia Steffen, Mario Mazzarotto, Emanuele Nespeca |
co-producer: | Luis Ángel Ramírez, Alvaro Alonso |
production: | Pandora Filmproduktion, Movimento Film, Jirafa, Astronauta |
backing: | MEDIA Programme, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per il cinema, Regione Lazio, Roma Lazio Film Commission |
distributor: | Real Fiction Filmverleih, Movimento Film, Imagine |