Faustine, Armel, Felix and Camille are all in their thirties. They live in Brussels and have been friends for years. In their prime, they are busy building their careers, families, and enjoying life. But at thirty, everything you just built is not yet rock-solid. A simple grain of sand can wreck a fragile mechanism. On the same day, Faustine’s career is jeopardized, Camille finds out that she is pregnant , Armel looses his father, and Felix is offered a great job opportunity in Tokyo. Sand is raining on Brussels.
original title: | Tokyo Anyway |
country: | Belgium |
year: | 2013 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Camille Meynard |
film run: | 72' |
screenplay: | Camille Meynard, Samuel Malhoure |
cast: | Benjamin Ramon, Violette Pallaro, Emilie Maréchal, Sophie Maillard, Michel Carcan, Gael Maleux, Sandrine Laroche, Georges Siatidis |
cinematography by: | Leo Lefevre |
film editing: | Thomas Vanthuyne |
art director: | Florin Dima |
producer: | Anton Iffland Stettner |
production: | Stenola Productions |
backing: | Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel Wallonie Bruxelles Images |