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by Petr Václav


The story of Žaneta and David, and their struggle to survive. Their unemployment and their difficulty in communicating with officials are both products of the frequent prejudices against the Roma. The piling-up of debts leads David to consider committing a crime in order to help his family.

international title: The Way Out
original title: Cesta Ven
country: Czech Republic, France
year: 2014
genre: fiction
directed by: Petr Václav
film run: 102'
cast: Klaudia Dudová, David Ištok
cinematography by: Štěpán Kučera
film editing: Florent Mangeot
producer: Jan Macola, Miloš Lochman, Tom Dercourt, Sophie Erbs
production: Moloko Film, Cinéma Defacto
backing: CNC

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