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by Stefano Lodovichi


Winter 2010. Dolomites. Tommaso Conci, a 4 year old child, disappears during a festival where people disguised as devils, the Krampus, terrorize the village with whips and chains. Five years later, a child was found nameless and without documents. DNA matches: he is Tommi. Manuel, the father, can finally embrace his son. The mother, Linda, however, can not adapt to the new situation. A suspect digs inside her: what if that child is not really her son?

original title: In fondo al bosco
country: Italy
sales agent: Minerva Pictures Group
year: 2015
genre: fiction
directed by: Stefano Lodovichi
release date: IT 19/11/2015
screenplay: Isabella Aguilar, Stefano Lodovichi, Davide Orsini
cast: Filippo Nigro, Camilla Filippi, Giovanni Vettorazzo, Maria Vittoria Barrella
cinematography by: Benjamin Maier
film editing: Roberto Di Tanna
art director: Daniele Frabetti
costumes designer: Ginevra De Carolis
music: Riccardo Amorese
producer: Manuela Cacciamani
production: Sky Cinema, One More Pictures
backing: Trentino Film Commission
distributor: Notorious Pictures

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