On The Milky Road unfolds as a three-part narrative recounting three periods in the life of a man: his time as a lucky milkman during the war, perilous escapades and blossoming romance with the woman he loves (Bellucci), and his later life as a monk, looking back over the tumultuous past - both his and his country’s. Two-times Palme D'Or winner Emir Kusturica directs and stars in this story of love and war, rich in emotion, comedy and adventure.
international title: | On the Milky Road |
original title: | On the Milky Road |
working title: | Love and War |
country: | Serbia, United Kingdom, United States, Mexico |
sales agent: | Goodfellas |
year: | 2016 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Emir Kusturica |
film run: | 125' |
release date: | RS 09/2016, IT 11/05/2017, FR 12/07/2017 |
screenplay: | Emir Kusturica |
cast: | Emir Kusturica, Monica Bellucci, Nataša Ninković, Sloboda Mićalović, Davor Janjic |
cinematography by: | Goran Volarević, Martin Sec |
film editing: | Svetolik Mica Zajc |
art director: | Goran Joksimovic |
costumes designer: | Nebojsa Lipanovic |
producer: | Paula Vaccaro, Emir Kusturica, Lucas Akoskin, Alex Garcia |
production: | Rasta Films, Pinball London Ltd, BN Films [US], AG Studios [MX] |
distributor: | Wild Bunch Distribution, Film Europe s.r.o. |