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by Gabe Klinger


Jake and Mati are two outsiders in the northerly Portuguese city of Porto who once experienced a brief connection. A mystery remains about the moments they shared, and in searching through memories, they relive the depths of a night uninhibited by the consequences of time.

international title: Porto
original title: Porto
working title: Porto Mon Amour
country: Portugal, United States, France, Poland
sales agent: New Europe Film Sales
year: 2016
genre: fiction
directed by: Gabe Klinger
film run: 75'
screenplay: Gabe Klinger, Larry Gross
cast: Anton Yelchin, Lucie Lucas, Paulo Calatré
cinematography by: Wyatt Garfield
film editing: Gabe Klinger, Géraldine Mangenot
art director: Ricardo Preto
costumes designer: Susana Abreu, Ricardo Preto
producer: Rodrigo Areias, Gabe Klinger, Todd Remis, Julie Snyder
co-producer: Nicolas Rogister de la Mothe
production: Bando à Parte, Gladys Glover, Madants Sp. z o.o., Double Play Films (US)
distributor: MFA Filmdistribution, Cinéart, Mozinet

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