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by Diego Olivares


In a small village in the countryside of Naples, a farmer family lives the drama of a violated territory, contaminated by poison that cruel criminal organizations have spread in most of the area. They go through the pain of the disease of the head of their family, Cosimo, and the several conflicts caused by his illness.

international title: Poison – The Land of Fires
original title: Veleno
country: Italy
sales agent: Minerva Pictures Group
year: 2017
genre: fiction
directed by: Diego Olivares
film run: 105'
release date: IT 14/09/2017
screenplay: Antonio Farina
cast: Luisa Ranieri, Massimiliano Gallo, Salvatore Esposito, Gennaro Di Colandrea, Miriam Candurro
cinematography by: Andrea Locatelli
music: Enzo Gragnaniello
producer: Gaetano Di Vaio
production: Bronx Film S.r.l., Minerva Pictures Group, Tunnel Produzioni, Sky Cinema
backing: MiBACT
distributor: Altre Storie

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