This gripping documentary introduces a young man named Rajai, one of the drivers of several hundred Ford Transit vans which connect, as an official taxi service, Ramalla with East Jerusalem. This impressive road movie is an original look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
international title: | Ford Transit |
original title: | Ford Transit |
country: | Palestine, Israel, Netherlands |
year: | 2003 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Hany Abu-Assad |
film run: | 80' |
release date: | GR 3/03/2003, DK 8/11/2003 |
screenplay: | Hany Abu-Assad, Bero Beyer |
cinematography by: | Menno Westendorp |
film editing: | Patrick Minks |
producer: | Bero Beyer |
production: | Augustus Film, VPRO Television |