The film follows Inspector Stucky investigating a series of murders and the theatrical suicide of Desiderio Ancillotto, a count who lives in the hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, in a story that recounts the conflict between greed and respect for the land.
international title: | Finché c'è prosecco c'è speranza |
original title: | The Last Prosecco |
country: | Italy |
sales agent: | Fandango |
year: | 2017 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Antonio Padovan |
film run: | 101' |
release date: | IT 31/10/2017 |
screenplay: | Antonio Padovan, Fulvio Ervas, Marco Pettenello |
cast: | Rade Šerbedžija, Giuseppe Battiston, Babak Karimi, Liz Solari, Roberto Citran, Teco Celio, Silvia D'Amico, Diego Pagotto, Antonio Scarpa, Gisella Burinato |
cinematography by: | Massimo Moschin |
film editing: | Paolo Cottignola |
music: | Teho Teardo |
producer: | Valentina Zanella |
co-producer: | Alessia Gatti |
executive producer: | Nicola Fedrigoni |
production: | K+ |