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by Daniele Vicari


Pippo Fava is an original and versatile artist as well as a faithful chronicler of his time. In 1980, he becomes the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper in Catania and by applying the idea of a free journalism, he decides to open an actual school of journalism. Along with his young trainees, he also creates the monthly magazine I Siciliani. Fava’s fate is sealed. He will pay the ultimate price, but his students will continue his work.

international title: Before the Night
original title: Prima che la notte
country: Italy
year: 2018
genre: fiction
directed by: Daniele Vicari
film run: 120'
screenplay: Claudio Fava, Michele Gambino, Daniele Vicari, Monica Zapelli
cast: Fabrizio Gifuni, Selene Caramazza, Aurora Quattrocchi, Lorenza Indovina, Carlo Calderone, Beniamino Marcone, Dario Aita, Marco Iannitello, Davide Giordano
cinematography by: Luciano Federici, Gherardo Gossi
film editing: Benni Atria, Alberto Masi
art director: Beatrice Scarpato
costumes designer: Francesca Vecchi, Roberta Vecchi
music: Teho Teardo
producer: Fulvio Lucisano, Paola Lucisano
executive producer: Giulio Steve

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