Inspired by a true story, Versus is an atypical, hybrid film that oscillates between a teenage chronicle and genre film. We follow the steps of Achille, a handsome young Parisian teenager from a wealthy family, who suddenly becomes victim of an ultra-violent attack. Achille is sent by the sea-side on vacation to recuperate. There, he meets Brian, a young man angry with the world at large. The encounter of these two young men will bring out their true nature; their conflict will create a murderer...
international title: | Versus |
original title: | Versus |
country: | France |
sales agent: | Wide Management |
year: | 2019 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | François Valla |
film run: | 80' |
release date: | FR 8/05/2019 |
screenplay: | François Valla, Nicolas Journet, Sophie Kovess-Brun, Erwan Augoyard |
cast: | Jérémie Duvall, Jules Pelissier, Lola Le Lann, Karidja Touré, Victor Belmondo, Benjamin Baffie, Matilda Marty-Giraut, Michaël Cohen, Inès Melab, Rani Bheemuck |
cinematography by: | Tristan Tortuyaux, Romain Wilhelm |
film editing: | Walter Mauriot |
music: | Benoît de Villeneuve, Benjamin Morando |
executive producer: | François Valla, Nicolas Journet |
production: | Playground Films |
distributor: | Wayna Pitch |