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by Adam Olha, Jan Danhel


Over three years, the directors followed the life of Jan Švankmajer, elucidating his artistic principles, as well as his collaboration with old friend and producer Jaromír Kallista. The film is also haunted by the memory of Eva Švankmajerová, his wife and creative partner.

international title: Athanor – The Alchemical Furnace
original title: Alchymická pec
country: Czech Republic, Slovakia
year: 2020
genre: documentary
directed by: Adam Olha, Jan Danhel
film run: 117'
screenplay: Adam Olha, Jan Danhel
cinematography by: Adam Olha
film editing: Jan Danhel
producer: Jaromír Kallista, Zuzana Mistríková
production: Athanor, PubRes

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