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by Jindřich Andrš


Tomas has been working underground as a coal miner for 25 years. When the mine has to close due to the general decline of coal mining, he is offered a new career as a computer programmer. He enrolls in a state-funded re-education programme, preparing him for one of the most in-demand jobs. Tomas takes up the challenge and gets ready to transform his life radically. But will a forty-something long-haired, subterranean punk rocker who has spent his whole life performing hard physical labour ever fit in with the young and trendy digital crowd?

international title: A New Shift
original title: Nová šichta
country: Czech Republic
year: 2020
genre: documentary
directed by: Jindřich Andrš
film run: 91'
screenplay: Jindřich Andrš
cinematography by: Tomás Frkal
film editing: Lukas Janicik
music: Eliška Cílková
producer: Miloš Lochman
production: Moloko Film, Czech Television - Česká televize, FAMU, Bystrouska spol s.r.o.
backing: Czech Film Fund (CZ), Moravian-silesian region (CZ)

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