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by Jean Vigo


When Juliette marries Jean, she comes to live with him as he captains a river barge. Besides the two of them, are a cabin boy and the strange old second mate Pere Jules. Soon bored by life on the river, she slips off to see the nightlife when they come to Paris. Angered by this, Jean sets off, leaving Juliette behind. Overcome by grief and longing for his wife, Jean falls into a depression and Pere Jules goes and tries to find Juliette.

international title: L'Atalante
original title: L'Atalante
country: France
year: 1934
genre: fiction
directed by: Jean Vigo
film run: 89'
release date: FR 24/04/1934, NL 14/09/1934, UK 14/12/1935, BE 1935, SE 23/03/1957, FI 05/10/1962, DK 01/09/1966, DE 02/09/1968, DD 12/10/1972, PT 23/02/1973, CH 06/07/1990, IT 19/07/1991, GR 15/09/2002
screenplay: Jean Guinée, Albert Riéra, Jean Vigo
cast: Dita Parlo, Jean Dasté, Gilles Margaritis
cinematography by: Boris Kaufman
film editing: Louis Chavance
producer: Jacques-Louis Nounez

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