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by René Clément


This movie is a story about French railroad workers who were part of organized resistance during the German WW2 occupation.

original title: Bataille du rail
country: France
year: 1946
genre: fiction
directed by: René Clément
film run: 85'
release date: FR 27/02/1946, NL 25/10/1946, DK 01/11/1946, PT 01/07/1947, SU 18/08/1947, HU 23/10/1947, SE 10/11/1947, IT 29/04/1948, DD 20/01/1956, DE 21/04/1973
screenplay: René Clément, Colette Audry
cast: Marcel Barnault, Jean Clarieux, Jean Daurand
cinematography by: Henri Alekan
film editing: Jacques Desagneaux

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