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by Roberto Rossellini


Living in an Italian refugee camp in 1948, the beautiful Karin meets Antonio, a resident of the men's camp. Though not in love with him, Karin marries him and they soon head for his home village, Stromboli. The village is on a remote island at the foot of an active volcano. When they arrive Karin despairs of the barren land and the absence of people, as many have left, mostly for the United States. She doesn't speak the local dialect and is treated with disdain by locals who see her as an exotic foreigner and a loose woman. After Antonio beats her and locks her in their house, she sets off across the mountains to seek her freedom and a better future.

original title: Stromboli (Terra di Dio)
country: Italy, United States
year: 1950
genre: fiction
directed by: Roberto Rossellini
film run: 107'
release date: UK 15/05/1950, IT 26/08/1950, DK 25/09/1950, FI 06/10/1950, SE 09/10/1950, FR 18/10/1950, PT 23/11/1950, DE 09/02/1951, TR 03/1951, ES 12/04/1952, DD 21/05/1980, GR 17/09/2015, NL 16/09/2021
screenplay: Roberto Rossellini, Sergio Amidei, Gian Paolo Callegari, Art Cohn, Renzo Cesana, Félix Morlión
cast: Ingrid Bergman, Mario Vitale, Renzo Cesana
cinematography by: Otello Martelli
producer: Roberto Rossellini

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