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by Robert Bresson


Michel takes up picking pockets as a hobby, and is arrested almost immediately, giving him the chance to reflect on the morality of crime. After his release, though, his mother dies, and he rejects the support of friends Jeanne and Jacques in favour of returning to pickpocketing (after taking lessons from an expert), because he realises that it's the only way he can express himself...

original title: Pickpocket
country: France
year: 1959
genre: fiction
directed by: Robert Bresson
film run: 76'
release date: FR 16/12/1959, DE 06/1960, IT 31/08/1960, UK 1960, PL 1962, FI 30/03/1967, ES 01/12/1967, SE 25/11/1977, DK 05/08/1983, GR 01/09/2005, PT 26/08/2018
screenplay: Robert Bresson
cast: Martin LaSalle, Marika Green, Jean Pélégri
cinematography by: Léonce-Henri Burel
film editing: Raymond Lamy
art director: Pierre Charbonnier
producer: Agnès Delahaie

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