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by Edgar Morin, Jean Rouch


Real-life individuals discuss topics on society, happiness in the working class among others and with those testimonies the filmmakers create fictional moments based on their interviews. Later on, the individuals discuss the images created with their own words and see if the movie obtained their level of reality.

international title: Chronicle of a Summer
original title: Chronique d'un été (Paris 1960)
country: France
year: 1961
genre: fiction
directed by: Edgar Morin, Jean Rouch
film run: 85'
release date: FR 05/1961, DE 10/1961, FI 25/01/1963, NL 07/12/1995, CZ 17/04/2004, RS 25/02/2006, GR 19/09/2010, ES 18/02/2020
cast: Nadine Ballot, Régis Debray, Marceline Loridan-Ivens
cinematography by: Michel Brault, Raoul Coutard, Roger Morillière, Jean-Jacques Tarbès
film editing: Néna Baratier, Françoise Collin, Jean Ravel
producer: Anatole Dauman, Philippe Lifchitz

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