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by Georges Lautner


Ex-gangster Fernand (Lino Ventura) receives a call from a dying friend, a mob boss nicknamed "The Mexican". The doomed mobster talks Fernand into taking care of some criminal business and looking after his soon-to-be-married daughter. When a longtime mobster heavy, Volfoni takes exception to Fernand for being an outsider, they come after Fernand who is equal to the task. He defends himself in a series of comical killings from the onslaught of the mob.

original title: Les tontons flingueurs
country: France, Italy, Germany
year: 1963
genre: fiction
directed by: Georges Lautner
film run: 105'
release date: DE 04/10/1963, FR 27/11/1963, SE 13/07/1964, ES 05/04/1965, UK 06/1965, PL 1968, EE 11/11/2016
screenplay: Michel Audiard, Georges Lautner
cast: Lino Ventura, Bernard Blier, Francis Blanche
cinematography by: Maurice Fellous
film editing: Michelle David
art director: Jean Mandaroux
producer: Irénée Leriche, Robert Sussfeld
executive producer: Alain Poiré

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