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by Marguerite Duras


Vera Baxter is talking to a woman in a bar. It seems that the woman was attracted to her by hearing her name called out: "Baxter, Vera Baxter." In response to her new friend's queries, Vera recounts the story of her life, beginning with marrying her no-good husband Michel, who has been using her for some time as a kind of unpaid prostitute in order to get rid of his gambling debt and keep his failing building business afloat.

original title: Baxter, Vera Baxter
country: France
year: 1977
genre: fiction
directed by: Marguerite Duras
film run: 91'
release date: FR 08/06/1977, DK 15/09/1978, DE 18/11/1978
screenplay: Marguerite Duras
cast: Delphine Seyrig, Noëlle Châtelet, Nathalie Nell
cinematography by: Sacha Vierny
film editing: Dominique Auvray, Caroline Camus, Roselyne Petit
producer: Stéphane Tchalgadjieff, Danièle Gégauff
executive producer: Stella Quef

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