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by Dario Argento


Jennifer Corvino, the daughter of a famous actor, has had trouble with sleepwalking for some time. Her doctor said that it can develop a split personality. She discovers her alternate personality when she stays at a boarding school that was once the home a Richard Wagner. But someone has been killing the students, and it relates only indirectly to the criminal sanitorium nearby. So it's up to "the two greatest detectives the world has ever known, or should I say, unknown"

original title: Phenomena
country: Switzerland, Italy
year: 1985
genre: fiction
directed by: Dario Argento
film run: 116'
release date: IT 31/01/1985, FR 12/06/1985, PT 02/1986, UK 18/04/1986, DE 17/02/1988, NL 04/1993, GR 15/09/1999, FI 06/05/2004, SE 09/03/2005, AT 23/04/2012
screenplay: Dario Argento, Franco Ferrini
cast: Jennifer Connelly, Donald Pleasence, Daria Nicolodi
cinematography by: Romano Albani
film editing: Franco Fraticelli
art director: Maurizio Garrone, Nello Giorgetti, Luciano Spadoni, Umberto Turco
costumes designer: Giorgio Armani, Marina Malavasi, Patrizia Massaia
producer: Dario Argento
executive producer: Angelo Iacono

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