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by Georges Lacombe


After an accident Raymond has gone blind. His family treats him like a child. But fortunately, a nun comes to his rescue. She works in a center where blind people learn to read with the Braille alphabet. The sister tells him they can learn any job they like: cabinet-makers, mechanics, cooks, etc . And there's another light that shines on Raymond: in the center, there's a blind schoolteacher, Louise, he falls in love with. But her fiancé gets jealous.

original title: La nuit est mon royaume
country: France
year: 1951
genre: fiction
directed by: Georges Lacombe
film run: 110'
release date: FR 09/08/1951, IT 10/09/1951, SE 24/03/1952, DE 04/04/1953, FI 10/04/1953
screenplay: Marcel Rivet, Charles Spaak
cast: Jean Gabin, Simone Valère, Gérard Oury
cinematography by: Philippe Agostini
film editing: Suzanne Rondeau, Henri Taverna
art director: Rino Mondellini, René Moulaert
producer: Pierre Gérin

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