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by Lucile Hadzihalilovic


Somewhere in Europe, mid-20th century. Albert is employed to look after Mia, a girl with teeth of ice. Mia never leaves their apartment, where the shutters are always closed. The telephone rings regularly and the Master enquires after Mia's wellbeing. Until the day Albert is instructed that he must prepare the child to leave.

international title: Earwig
original title: Earwig
country: United Kingdom, France, Belgium
sales agent: Goodfellas
year: 2021
genre: fiction
directed by: Lucile Hadzihalilovic
film run: 114'
screenplay: Geoff Cox, Lucile Hadzihalilovic
cast: Romola Garai, Alex Lawther, Paul Hilton, Martin Verset
cinematography by: Jonathan Ricquebourg
film editing: Adam Finch
art director: Julia Irribarria
costumes designer: Jackye Fauconnier
music: Nicolas Becker, Warren Ellis, Augustin Viard
producer: Jean des Forêts, Amélie Jacquis, Andrew Starke
co-producer: Jean-Yves Roubin, Cassandre Warnauts
executive producer: Christophe Hollebeke
production: Anti Worlds, Petit Films, Frakas Productions, Film4
backing: British Film Institute (BFI), Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles,

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