Sixteen-year-old Ozren tells the story of his life with his mother Silvija, a beautiful young Croatian woman. Frequently left on his own by Silvija, who manages to work her way up to being a well-paid, high-class tart, Ozren attempts to come to terms with his "abnormal" fate as the son of a whore.
international title: | THE WHORE'S SON |
original title: | HURENSOHN |
country: | Austria, Luxembourg |
sales agent: | AICHHOLZER FILM (AT) |
year: | 2003 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Michael Sturminger |
film run: | 86' |
screenplay: | Michael Sturminger, Michael Sturminger |
cast: | Chulpan Khamatova, Miki Manojlovic, Stanislav Lisnic, Georg Friedrich |
cinematography by: | Jürgen Jürges |
film editing: | Karina Ressler |
art director: | Andreas Donhauser, Renate Martin |
costumes designer: | Tanja Hausner |
producer: | Josef Aichholzer, Donato Rotunno |
production: | Aichholzer Filmproduktion, Tarantula Luxembourg |
backing: | Austrian Film Institute, Österreichischer Rundfunk, Vienna Film Fund, Filmfund Luxembourg, Arte |