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by Menora Katzover-Hazani


"In the Spring I bought myself a camera. The whole of our settlement was in bloom right then, so I filmed butterflies and flowers. But then everything changed, and there were other things to film." In "It Happened After the Spring", Menora Katsover, the daughter of a scion settler family who founded the Elon Moreh settlement in Samaria, documents the life of the settlement in 2001 in the shadow of the Al-Aksa Intifada.

original title: It Happened After the Spring
country: Israel
year: 2001
genre: documentary
directed by: Menora Katzover-Hazani
film run: 53'
screenplay: Menora Katzover-Hazani
cinematography by: Menora Katzover-Hazani
film editing: Rivka Imber

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