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by Giuseppe Amato


Tamara, a Roman prostitute, tries to kill herself throwing herself out of the window of the licensed brothel she works in. While she is being taken to hospital the other girls learn that, following the implementing provisions of the Merlin bill, their house is to be closed. Wally, Franca and Lola find shelter in the beautiful apartment of a generous former colleague, Rosita. Wally tries to get married, Tamara goes through a religious crisis while Franca finds an honest job in order to support her young daughter and herself. As for Lola, she considers going back to her parents' home but won't she give offense to her sister, who is about to be wedded?

original title: Donne proibite
country: Italy
year: 1954
genre: fiction
directed by: Giuseppe Amato
film run: 94'
release date: IT 27/01/1954, FR 09/02/1955, DE 14/11/1955, SE 05/12/1955, AT 08/1956, TR 12/1956, NL 12/04/1957, FI 31/05/1957, DK 14/08/1957
screenplay: Siro Angeli, Giuseppe De Santis, Giuseppe Mangione, Bruno Paolinelli, Elio Petri, Gianni Puccini, Cesare Zavattini
cast: Valentina Cortese, Lea Padovani, Giulietta Masina, Lilla Brignone, Carlo Dapporto, Anthony Quinn, Alberto Farnese, Alberto Talegalli, Checco Durante, Roberto Risso, Lola Braccini, Maria Pia Casilio, Rossella Falk, Tino Buazzelli
cinematography by: Anchise Brizzi
film editing: Gabriele Varriale
art director: Virgilio Marchi
costumes designer: Elio Costanzi
music: Renzo Rossellini
producer: Giuseppe Amato, Tino Buazzelli

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