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by Dino Risi


It's the story of a day spent by Dino, separated by his wife, who sees his son Robertino after five years. Dino has not contributed anything in life and to win the affection of his son, invents a story about his past. At the end of the day however, he will succeed in establishing a positive relationship with his son and telling the truth about himself.

international title: The Thursday
original title: Il giovedì
country: Italy
year: 1964
genre: fiction
directed by: Dino Risi
film run: 105'
release date: IT 23/01/1964, PT 12/08/1965, ES 18/09/1970, FR 26/10/2011
screenplay: Franco Castellano, Giuseppe Moccia, Dino Risi
cast: Walter Chiari, Michèle Mercier, Umberto D'Orsi, Alice Kessler, Ellen Kessler, Emma Baron, Milena Vukotic, Olimpia Cavalli, Silvio Bagolini, Gloria Parri, Edy Biagetti
cinematography by: Alfio Contini
film editing: Gisa Radicchi Levi
art director: Alberto Boccianti
costumes designer: Danda Ortona
music: Armando Trovajoli
producer: Isidoro Broggi, Marcello Girosi, Renato Libassi

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