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by Michelangelo Antonioni


A documentary on China, concentrating mainly on the faces of the people, filmed in the areas they were allowed to visit. The 220-minute version consists of three parts. The first part, taken around Beijing, includes a cotton factory, older sections of the city, and a clinic where a Caesarean operation is performed using acupuncture. The middle part visits the Red Flag canal and a collective farm in Henan, as well as the old city of Suzhou. The final part shows the port and industries of Shanghai and ends with a stage presentation by Chinese acrobats.

original title: Chung Kuo - Cina
country: Italy
year: 1972
genre: documentary
directed by: Michelangelo Antonioni
film run: 135'
release date: IT 24/01/1973, FR 05/1973, SE 13/03/1974, DE 31/08/1989, RS 15/09/2021
cinematography by: Luciano Tovoli
film editing: Franco Arcalli

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